FREE Online Webinar Presented by World's Leading Human Behavior Expert
Use the Gift of Gratitude and Create the Life You Envision
Join Dr John Demartini and Discover the Powerful Impact of Gratitude in all Areas of Your Life
LIVE Masterclass: The Gift of Gratitude - Wednesday 30 March 2022 at 11:00 am PDT (6:00 pm GMT)

Live Masterclass: The Gift of Gratitude Presented by Dr John Demartini

Online training class showing you how to tap into the power of gratitude for greater achievement in all 7 areas of your life.

Those Who are Grateful Get More to Be Grateful for.

Gratitude Transforms Lives

Many people overlook the significance of gratitude and it’s incredible power to unlock and dissolve barriers.

Gratitude is a powerful transformer:

- When you’re grateful for a challenge or situation, you transcend the psychological limitations and barriers that were holding you back from greater achievement;

- When you’re grateful for yourself, your life and the people you engage with, you gain the power to truly maximize your human potential;

- Science has proven that gratitude is a powerful healer – not just mentally and emotionally but also on a physiological, genetic and epigenetic level;
Harnessing the gift of gratitude can completely transform your life, dissolve barriers, and inspire all seven areas of your life. 

Dr John Demartini’s brand new online presentation - The Gift of Gratitude - will provide you with clear, concise and practical tools you can use to help you:
  • HARNESS the gift of gratitude so you can wake up and fully express your genius and take your service to the world; and
  • RECEIVE more gratitude in your life;
  • HAVE more gratitude in your life;
  • ENJOY this live online presentation from the comfort of your own home

 244 000+

Global Students

 60 Minutes




Transcend The Barriers Holding You Back From Greater Achievement

Dr John Demartini will show you how gratitude relates to:
  • Business Empowerment: How a lack of gratitude for your client, team or yourself may be holding you back in your business;
  • Building Wealth: How not being appreciative or appreciated is likely to impact your income;
  • Relationship Empowerment: The impact a lack of gratitude may have on the health and longevity of your relationships;
  • Social Leadership: How not being appreciative of your following of people will likely result in your not having a following of people;
  • Health and Wellbeing: How gratitude can both normalize and heal your physiology;
  • Spiritual Empowerment: How to have an inspired spiritual life by being graced by gratitude; and
  • Mental Empowerment: How to creatively and ingeniously use your mind in such a way that you’re grateful for the creativity and doing something that people will be grateful for.
If you would love to learn how gratitude will help you empower all areas of your life while also learning how to love and appreciate your authentic self, then register your FREE virtual seat now so we can remind you to tune in on the day.

What Others Have Said

"Your work has helped me find my place in the world and both attract and create all manner of miracles in my life, from authentic relationships to a meaningful career."

Emily Gowor

Inspirational Writer and Speaker
“I woke up to the fact that my part time pursuit was my true inspiration and purpose in life. He is truly one of the greatest minds in and outside academic institutions. A polymath and true philosopher.”

Prof. S. Mazaza

Professor .PhD 
“Thank you for helping me to experience and expand my vision. The tools I have through attending your courses have helped me to not only tap into my vision, but to continue to reach the goals on the way to get there.”

Carly Pepin

"Dr John Demartini not only has the power to heal, but also the power to open up hearts to love again. His work is REAL magic!"

Dr Wayne Dyer

Author and Public Speaker
"Dr John Demartini is one of the greatest minds and illuminating teachers on the planet. The clarity of his teachings will inspire billions."

Rhonda Byrne

Executive Producer
of ‘The Secret'' 
"The gifts I’ve gained from your genius has changed the trajectory of my life in every area. I am deeply inspired to continue to give this gift of wisdom back to assist as many others as I can!" 

Donna Parker

Coach, Marriage and
Family Therapist

About The Speaker: Dr John Demartini

Dr John Demartini is the world’s leading authority in human behavior and a specialist in mind and life mastery. The knowledge he shares is a culmination of over 49 years of cross-disciplinary research.

As a gifted educator, he travels full time around the world teaching individuals how to be more self-governed and empowered in all 7 areas of their lives. 

The Gift of Gratitude - LIVE Online Masterclass

Session Time Converter

Honolulu, USA Wed, 30 Mar at 08:00 HST
Los Angeles, USA Wed, 30 Mar at 11:00 PDT
Denver, USA Wed, 30 Mar at 12:00 MDT
Houston, USA Wed, 30 Mar at 13:00 CDT
New York, USA Wed, 30 Mar at 14:00 EDT
London, UK Wed, 30 Mar at 19:00 BST
Johannesburg, SA Wed, 30 Mar 20:00 SAST
New Delhi, India Wed, 30 Mar at 23:30 IST
Tokyo, Japan Thu, 31 Mar at 03:00 JST
Sydney, AUS Thu, 31 Mar at 05:00 AEDT
Auckland, NZ Thu, 31 Mar at 07:00 NZDT

Wednesday 30 March at 11:00 am PDT (6:00 pm GMT)