Government of Wisdom, Celestial, Heavenly Light – Terrestrial Hellishly Dark: Morality - Citizen of the Universe (Heaven) and of the World (Earth), Voids and Values, Rationality and Reason, Transcendent Guardian, Self and Other, Neutrality, Detachment, Synthesis and Synchronicity of Complementary Opposites, Purpose, Constitution of Wisdom – Purpose, Laws of Wisdom - Purpose, Definition, Meta-Ethics, Imperatives, Immorality, Amorality, Equilibrium, Ethical Theories and Principals and Their Contradictions, Descriptive Sense, Normative Sense, Realism vs Anti-Realism, Moral Naturalism, Reason & Emotion Determined, Territorial, Tribal, In Group and Out Group, Virtues Across Cultures, Moral Relativism, Seven Questionable Universal Values, Evolution, Survival, Group Cohesion, Fitness, Reciprocity, Animal (Mammal) Group Behavior, Emotions, Mixed Emotions, Progressively Increasing Complexity, Stages of Moral Development, Moral Development – Circular Argument, Caring - Mutually Responsive, Super Ego vs Social: Moral Incline of Decline, Subjectivity and Objectivity, Neutrality, Moral Emotions (Dogma) vs Moral Reasoning, Judgments, Neuroscience – Brain Areas, Psychopathy, Salient Network, Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex, Genetic (Nature) vs Epigenetic (Nurture), Inherited Influences on Morality, Nature and Nurture, Politics, Political Group Conformity, Universality, Religion, Natural Laws of the Universe, One Universal – Many Particulars, Moral Laws and Decrees, Laws of Complementary Opposites, General Law of Wisdom: “Law of Love”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, General Law of Wisdom: “Law of One and Many” (OM) , Specific Decree of Wisdom, General Law of Wisdom: “Law of Similarities and Differences”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, General Law of Wisdom: “Law of Evolution,” or “Law of Negentropy”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, General Law of Wisdom: “Law of Devolution,” or “Law of Entropy”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Increasing Probability”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Recapitulation”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Incompetency”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Decline”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Adaptation”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Economy”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Conservation”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Voids and Values”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Compensation”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Exchange”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Wealth”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Attraction”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Management”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Equilibrium”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Rise and Fall”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Family”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Vacuums”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Worth”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Reflection”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Spatial Organization”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Vibration”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Grand Law of Wisdom: “Law of Synchronicity”, Specific Decree of Wisdom, Purpose, Based on Human Behavior, Defined Through the Ages, Essential or Invented, Subjectively or Objectively Determine, Defining Human Destiny, Based Upon What?, Based Upon Transient Mortality, Altruism and Sacrifice, Neither “Good” Nor “Evil”, Opposites, Kind and Cruel, Anthropomorphic Limitations, Relative to the Infinite and the Infinitesimal, Beyond “Good” and “Evil”, Honesty and Dishonesty, Transcended by the Whole Truth, Emerges With Society, Justice, Natural Order of Power, Danger Begets Association, Social Order, General Public Will (Customs-Mores) - Specific Private Will, Custom, Necessity of Law, Individualism and Socialism, Reason and Order, Variations, Guided Natural Selection, Mortal Life, Law of One and Many, Creator and Destroyer, Master and Slaves, Gradations of Rank, Union of Human Mind with Nature, Relative, Androgynous Ethics, Significant and Just or Insignificant and Unjust, Determinism, Free Will, and Moral Responsibility, Human Reason or Animal Emotion Origin, Amygdala and Medial Prefrontal Cortex, Illusive, Moral Arguments, Ethical Codes are Problematic to Live, Law, What is the Ultimate Objective of Morality?, Transient Ideals, Moral Dilemmas – Situational Ethics, Legalistic Ethics, Antinomian Ethics, Not a True Objective Science, Untrue and Unlivable Ideals, Agape Love Ultimate Law, Non-Computational, No Set of General Universal Ethical Principles, No Rewarding or Punishing God, Natural Laws of the Universe Verse Human Laws, “Good” and “Evil” Illusions, Ideals Unlived, No Universal Standards, Transcending Moral Codes, Hierarchical Structure, Moral Foundations Theory, Conflicting Moral Codes, True and False Virtues and Vices, ‘Inspired’ Lawgiver Determined, Inevitable Conceptual Conflict, Traditional Constraint - Untraditional Freedom, Arbitrary Sovereignty, Relativism, Subjectivity, Subjective Survival - Objective Thrival, Religious Anthropomorphism, Obsolete, Are Moral Codes Truly Significant, Universal, Is There a Grand Code of Wisdom?, Hierarchical Occupational Roles, Sustainable Fair Exchange, Moral Superiority and Moral Inferiority, Equilibrium, The Temperate Mean, Transcendent or Immanent Origins, Universal or Local, Cultural, Universal Law, Natural Law, and Human Law, Divine or Human, Being vs Becoming Personas, Transcendent, Immanent vs Transcendent, Congruency, Gnosis, Nothing Missing, Conscience, Is vs Ought, Compared to Your Telos, Higher vs Lower Values, Knowledge, Dialectic, Ontology vs Deontology, Stable vs Volatile, Values, Monism and Pluralism, Relativism and Absolutism, Eternal Unchanging or Transient Changing, Conservatism and Liberalism, Economic Inequality, Binding and Blinding, Moral Blindness, Moral Values, Contradictory (Metal) Rules, Moral Licensing Effect, Moral Dilemmas, Monopoles, Blamelessness, Overview Effect, Victory over Victimhood, Perfectionism, The Problem of Evil, Infinite - Finite, Divine Justice, Code of Honor – The Love Matrix.