Advanced Training Class Presented by Dr John Demartini

Using the Demartini Method to Help Your Clients Prepare for Their More Graceful Passing

Giving you the coach, consultant, or therapist a profound protocol to follow to help your clients navigate their end days in gratitude.

Presenter: Dr John Demartini

Date: November 19th, 2024

Time: 1pm - 3pm CST

Where: Online | Zoom

Price: $250

* Ticket includes: 7 Day Access to the Full Recording
* Prerequisite: Attendance at the Demartini Method Training Program
Because the more you learn, the more clients you can serve.

Advanced Training Class Presented by Dr John Demartini

Using the Demartini Method to Help Your Clients Prepare for Their More Graceful Passing

Giving you the coach, consultant, or therapist a profound protocol to follow to help your clients navigate their end days in gratitude.

Presenter: Dr John Demartini

Date: November 19th, 2024

Time: 1pm - 3pm CST

Where: Online | Zoom

Price: $250

* Ticket includes 7 Day Access to the Full Recording
* Prerequisite: Attendance at the Demartini Method Training Program

Dr Demartini on
Death and Dying

Equip yourself with a protocol you’ll not only be able to use with your clients but also with those you love and ultimately one day for yourself so you’re able to facilitate a more graceful passing.

The Demartini Death Preparation Protocol

When a client is advised that they are in the terminal phase of a disease or when they perceive their health is failing them due to age or ill health, there are many emotions they may face.

They may have regrets relating to goals they perceive they didn’t get to do or complete, they may have unresolved issues with others, and they may have attachments to events, people, goals in the future.

They may require assistance in managing their perceptions of pain, and they may have fear about what’s going to happen to them physically.

The Demartini Death Preparation Protocol is a profound step by step process that Dr Demartini will take you through during the Advanced Training Class. Knowing all the steps to take will ensure that whenever you’re faced with a client in need at the end of their life that you’ll have certainty on how to use the Demartini Method to assist them.

Feedback regarding the Demartini Death Preparation Protocol

In August 2022 my stepmother, Ilze Alberts, was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer and despite doing everything she could to extend her life, she found herself facing weeks to her death towards the end of last year. She asked me to consult with her, using the Demartini Method, to help her prepare for her death. She was fearful of what was to come physically. She was anxious about the prospect of leaving her family and her dreams for her life behind.

I’ve worked with clients with many different issues over the years but this was the first time I’d been asked to help someone prepare for their death. I will confess that I wasn’t sure that I was up for the task. It felt like a very big request and I didn’t want to let her down or not do a thorough job. I was fortunate that Dr Demartini outlined the protocol of how to use the Demartini Method to help someone prepare for their death and that gave me certainty on how to proceed.

We booked a 2-hour session and I systematically worked through the Demartini Death Preparation Protocol.
One of the steps is to clear all the emotional attachments the individual has to people, places, things, ideas, or events that they perceive to be only positive and desirable in the future. Each one of these is like a silver thread that binds them to their desire to be here. It’s their fear of this loss that makes them resist and fear their own death.

We worked through each one of these perceptions, her desire to be at her son’s wedding in December, her connection to her daughter and son, her desire to be there to see her grandchildren grow up, her dream to build a foundation, and her many plans she wanted to fulfill with her beloved husband. I helped her to balance each of her perceptions, and as we did, it was like cutting the threads, string by string until all her attachments were cleared.

As soon as we cleared the last ‘thread’, Ilze stopped, poised, present, grateful, and said, “I am ready to go.”

I cannot explain what a privilege it was to have this beautiful opportunity to work with her and the gratitude I feel to Dr Demartini for this process that can help someone facing the ultimate challenge – their own death - get to a point where they see the perfection of their life, their passing and can face their own death in a state of gratitude and grace.

It astounds me what the Demartini Method is able to achieve in a session. It astounds me that by just following the steps that Dr Demartini outlined that I was able to serve my stepmother in this beautiful way.

Clarissa Judd - Master Demartini Method Facilitator

Learn from the Creator of the Demartini Method

Dr John Demartini is the creator of the Demartini Method, a human behavior specialist, a polymath, philosopher, international speaker and best-selling author. His work is a summation of over 264 disciplines synthesized from the greatest philosophical, economic and scientific minds.

His curriculum consists of personal development and professional training programs. His professional training curriculum empowers coaches, therapists, consultants in the applications of his coaching methodology the Demartini Method (including Values) giving them the step by step processes that enable them to transform client’s challenges in hours instead of days, weeks and years.

Advanced Training Class Presented by Dr John Demartini sharing the Demartini Death Preparation Protocol

Using the Demartini Method to Help Your Clients Prepare for Death

November 19th, 2024 | Time: 1pm - 3pm CST

More Times:  11am - 1pm PST; 7pm - 9pm GMT; 9pm - 11pm SAST; 6am - 8am AEDT (Nov 20); 8am - 10am NZDT (Nov 20); Tokyo 4am - 6am JST (Nov 20)
Register now for Dr Demartini’s advanced training exclusively for Demartini Method Facilitators

* Ticket includes 7-day access to the replay.

Time Conversions:
Los Angeles, USA Wed, May 22, 2024 at 11:00 PDT  |  New York, USA Wed, May 22, 2024 at 14:00 EDT
Houston, USA Wed, May 22, 2024 at 13:00 CDT  |  London, United Kingdom Wed, May 22, 2024 at 20:00 BST  |  Sydney, Australia Thurs, May 23, 2024 at 04:00 AEST  |  Auckland, New Zealand Thur, May 23, 2024 at 07:00 NZDT