A Powerful MASTERCLASS that will Transform the Way You See Yourself 

It's Time to Access Your 7 Greatest Powers and Use Your Unique Genius to Your Full Advantage

Join Human Behavior Expert Dr John Demartini as he Shares Time Proven Principles to Help You Unleash Your Unique Genius and Potential in All 7 Areas of Your Life.


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Any area of your life you don’t empower, somebody’s going to overpower. It’s time to say ‘Yes’ to your own dreams. This masterclass gives you the knowledge and tools to inspire and empower your life.

What You’ll Learn From This Class

  • Getting clear on what’s most important to you and identifying your hierarchy of values.
  • Identifying and breaking through the 7 fears that can stop you from taking action.
  • Discover the formula to achieve fulfillment in all 7 areas of life.
  • Learn the quality questions to ask yourself on a daily basis to manage your emotions and solve challenges.
  • Apply the art of communication to enable you to get what you want by helping others get what they want in life.
  • Learn how to prioritize your life so you are free to focus on what truly inspires you.
Discover the time proven principles that will help you to empower your mind, financial, vocational, spiritual, familial, physical and social.

This Masterclass will leave you with an expanded vision of what's possible for you and your life.

What Others Have Said

"Dr John Demartini not only has the power to heal, but also the power to open up hearts to love again. His work is REAL magic!"

Dr Wayne Dyer

"An original body of work, Dr John Demartini synthesises science, philosophy and mysticism with magnificent simplicity and great practical sense"

Louise Hay

"How lucky I am to have crossed paths with you as my teacher. Thank you so much for reopening my eyes to discover my authentic self, my mission in life."

Grace Wong

"My gratitude list could go on for days! The gifts I’ve gained from your genius have changed the trajectory of my life in every area. I am deeply inspired to continue to give this gift of wisdom back to assist as many others as I can!"

Donna Parker

"Dr John Demartini’s knowledge and ability to synthesize history and great lessons to teach others how to find their mission, deepest core values and truest leadership is impeccable.His dedication to people’s greatness is unmatched."

Kane Minkus

“The last time I attended a Demartini workshop my life had a drastic change. I have experienced great success. If you want to clear your doubts, learn how life works and how to control your life and destiny, invest in your future and take a course.

Rudy Garcia

“Once again an awesome (as in awe inspiring) experience. A unique assimilation of a huge amount of writing and scholarly enquiry. Thank you John.”

Tim Holmes

"Thanks John, you have helped me clarify and dissolve illusions. You have set me on the path to becoming an ever brighter pulsating star in the universe of infinity."

Marc Peverett

“John is the mentor I was looking for over over 3 decades.”

Yasuko Shiratsuchi

Learn from the Creator of the Demartini Method

Dr John Demartini is the creator of the Demartini Method, a human behavior specialist, a polymath, philosopher, international speaker and best-selling author. His work is a summation of over 264 disciplines synthesized from the greatest philosophical, economic and scientific minds.

His curriculum consists of personal development and professional training programs. His professional training curriculum empowers coaches, therapists, consultants in the applications of his coaching methodology the Demartini Method (including Values) giving them the step by step processes that enable them to transform client’s challenges in hours instead of days, weeks and years.

Are You Ready to Access Your 7 Greatest Powers?

Join Dr John Demartini for this FREE masterclass

  Available for a Limited Time Only