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7 Steps to Expand to The Next Level of Empowerment
Any area of your life that you don't empower leaves you vulnerable to someone else stepping in to set the constraints and rules. 

Follow the practical action steps outlined in this workbook to empower all 7 areas of your life and reap the rewards of doing what you love and loving what you do.

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Dr John Demartini

Dr John Demartini is a human behavior specialist, a polymath, philosopher, international speaker and best-selling author. His work is a summation of over 264 different disciplines synthesized from the greatest philosophical, economic and scientific minds.

His extensive curriculum helps individuals master their minds and thereby master their lives. His tools and processes help individuals to increase the quality of their lives, empower all aspects of their lives and achieve their goals and dreams.

What Others Have Said

"Dr John Demartini not only has the power to heal, but also the power to open up hearts to love again. His work is REAL magic!"

Dr Wayne Dyer

Author and Public Speaker
"Dr John Demartini is one of the greatest minds and illuminating teachers on the planet. The clarity of his teachings will inspire billions."

Rhonda Byrne

Executive Producer
of ‘The Secret'' 
"An original body of work, Dr John Demartini synthesises science, philosophy and mysticism with magnificent simplicity and great practical sense"

Louise Hay

Hay House Publishing
"I've been looking for a way to stop my psychotic episodes since I was diagnosed in February 2005, so that is 17 years ago this month. I have been doing the Demartini Method often, as you suggested to me in class, and it is working. I’ve not had another psychotic episode since."

Ana Ruiz

Relationship Coach
"Your work has the potential to create a major paradigm shift in the minds and hearts of the men and women who grasp its relevance and meaning to their lives."

Brian Tracy

Business Consultant, Public Speaker and Author
"How lucky I am to have crossed paths with you as my teacher. Thank you so much for reopening my eyes to discover my authentic self, my mission in life."

Grace Wong

Project Manager
"Your work has helped me find my place in the world and both attract and create all manner of miracles in my life, from authentic relationships to a meaningful career."

Emily Gowor

Inspirational Writer and Speaker
"John's work has left me inspired to the point I'm applying for a Chiropractic masters degree."

Scott Emmony

Personal Trainer
"Thank you for all the years of reading, researching, teaching and sharing."

Scott Evans
